Thursday 14 October 2010

Quangos to go

Here is a list of all those Department of Health Quangos that have today been given their death sentences.
Most of these will resurface as minor committees within other major organisations such as MHRA so whether this delivers real financial savings remains to be seen. The prestige associated with sitting on these committees will however inevitably decline, and membership will presumably carry far less weight with CEA committees. Oh dear.

Is your favourite here?

DH Advisory Board on the Registration of Homeopathic Products
DH Advisory Committee on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections
DH Advisory Committee on Borderline Substances
DH Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens
DH Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs
DH Advisory Group on Hepatitis
DH Alcohol Education and Research Council
DH Appointments Commission
DH Committee on Carcogenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
DH Committee on Medical Effects of Air Pollutants
DH Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment
DH Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
DH Committee on the Safety of Devices
DH Council for Healthcare Regulatory Excellence
DH Expert Advisory Group on AIDS
DH Gene Therapy Advisory Committee
DH General Social Care Council
DH Genetics and Insurance Committee
DH Health Protection Agency
DH Herbal Medicines Advisory Committee
DH Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
DH Human Genetics Commission
DH Human Tissue Authority
DH Independent Advisory Group on Sexual Health and HIV
DH Independent Review Panel for the Classification of Borderline Products
DH Independent Review panel on the Advertising of Medicines
DH Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisations
DH National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care
DH National Joint Registry Steering Committee
DH Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition


  1. Talking of which, I see that one of the ones they haven't abolished is the independent Advisory Committee on Clinical Excellence Awards..

  2. This committee has this year clearly demonstrated it’s commitment to the scheme, and independence from government by making no comment on the halving of CEAs awarded for 2011. It would make abolition easier for the DoH if they had this nice compliant committee involved in “reforming” the system. I have no doubt that if the committee had demonstrated strong opposition to this reduction they would have been on the list for termination. I am sure those who sit on the committee are aware of this.
