Thursday 16 September 2010

Post 100

Well, this is my one hundredth post since starting my blog back in April. I was not at all sure where it was going to go back then, what would I find to write about? who on earth would be interested? Would it be a damp squib and fizzle out?

Six months down the line I think it is true to say that the blog has acquired a certain flavour, not necessarily to everyone’s taste. As to finding stuff to write about, a fellow blogger told me at the time, “there is always something to write about”, and he was right. So who reads it. My stats programme only gives me data since the beginning of July but since then I have apparently had 8313 page views, many of them from overseas.

It is clear from comments to the posts that the whole spectrum of agreement/disagreement has been expressed to my views. This is inevitable and any disagreements I may have had with commenters should not be taken personally. I have only ever rejected one comment, and that, not because I disagreed with it, but because it was a long, pointless and boring ramble. For those who have contributed with your comments, thanks for your contribution, whether I have agreed with you or not. You may have noticed now that comments moderation has been lifted.

Like all blogs I have acquired a small band of registered followers. Thanks particularly to you for the reassurance that I am not wasting my time.

To end with a small gripe. When I started I invited anyone with an interesting NHS relevant story to send it to me if they would like it aired. In six months I have had only one. From hearing my colleagues grumbles I know there is no shortage of such stories. Why don’t you send them here instead of just grumbling? You can have total anonymity if you wish. A contact link can be found on my profile page. Any contributions or suggestions will be most welcome, though I obviously can not guarantee to post your contribution.

I have found writing this blog to be cathartic, educational, and mostly great fun. I wonder if I will still be here six months from now.

1 comment:

  1. "I have only ever rejected one comment, and that, not because I disagreed with it, but because it was a long, pointless and boring ramble"

    It must've been my comment then! :-(

    ... but then, does being boring means I should not be 'free to speak' and be deleted when I do?

    "I wonder if I will still be here six months from now."

    Oh, you will be, you're not boring! Definately not! It's just sometimes I wish I had a bar of soap when I come visit

    But, of course this is your blog, so, delete as you please if this too is boring or not agreeable ... or for any other reason ;-)
